The Winter “Bundle” Toolkit: Getting Started:

What to expect within this toolkit: 

For this our first seasonal toolkit, we are beginning in Winter and as such, are appropriately “bundling” a few key tools to help you get started. When you first start your breast cancer journey, it can feel a bit like Winter. The world around you can feel cold and withering.   

It is understandable to feel overwhelmed at times, and as if a part of you is frozen in the moment. But another way to look at Winter, is as the prequel to new beginnings in Spring. And thus, those new beginnings can serve as your horizon to keep going. To reach that horizon, we first begin with how to best navigate through the first few cold steps....


Your starting checklist


 From our archives

One of our key articles to help you begin


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Day of chemotherapy treatment: The “top 5” to do’s:


Ask Amelia: Jan 2022